# TypeScript development

🚧 TypeScript documentation

This section is still a work in progress and will continue to be updated and improved. Migrating existing Strapi applications written in JavaScript is not currently recommended. In the meantime, feel free to ask for help on the forum (opens new window) or on the community Discord (opens new window). Check the beta documentation for faster access to TypeScript documentation.

TypeScript adds an additional type system layer above JavaScript, which means that existing JavaScript code is also TypeScript code. Strapi supports TypeScript in new projects on v4.2.0 and above. TypeScript-enabled projects allow developing plugins with TypeScript as well as using TypeScript typings.

🤓 Getting started with TypeScript

To start developing in TypeScript, use the CLI documentation to create a new TypeScript project. Additionally, the project structure and TypeScript configuration sections have TypeScript-specific resources for understanding and configuring an application.

# Start developing in TypeScript

Starting the development environment for a TypeScript-enabled project requires building the admin panel prior to starting the server. In development mode, the application source code is compiled to the ./dist/build directory and recompiled with each change in the Content-type Builder. To start the application, run the following commands in the root directory:

# Develop a plugin using TypeScript

New plugins can be generated following the plugins development documentation. There are 2 important distinctions for TypeScript applications:

  • After creating the plugin, run yarn install or npm run install in the plugin directory src/admin/plugins/[my-plugin-name] to install the dependencies for the plugin.
  • Run yarn build or npm run build in the plugin directory src/admin/plugins/[my-plugin-name] to build the admin panel including the plugin.


It is not necessary to repeat the yarn install or npm run install command after the initial installation. The yarn build or npm run build command is necessary to implement any plugin development that affects the admin panel.